Bungee Attachment Frame for Eurotramp Grandmaster Trampolines
Eurotramp trampolines have a high prevalence in schools and clubs. Until now, however, there was only the conventional lunge solution for these trampolines with rope as a guide. With the Bungy-Longe, EUROTRAMP and EUROVIVA® now offer a new, flexible and very safe solution for training. Especially also for the training of children. This bungee attachment lunge can be used as a training aid for gymnasts as well as a fun device for the untrained.
The Bungee Longe creates new possibilities to optimize gymnastics training. Complex movement sequences can be rehearsed in slow motion without danger. The lunge combined with the trampoline is ready for use very quickly and is therefore also suitable for gymnastics lessons – ideal for competitive trampoline gymnastics, innovative movement lessons and adventure gymnastics. The bungee lungee can be installed on all Eurotramp Master or Grandmaster trampolines.
Youre interested in your own Bungee-Frame ?

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